Sunday, 29 March 2015

An Equinoxe, a Solar Eclipse and two wolves

I will be venturing into the Norwegian boreal for some time to celebrate the coming spring and returning daylight on the Northern Hemisphere. A celebration also relevant here, inspired as FPOA is by equal amounts of day and night, sun and moon.

On March 20th, the day of the spring equinox itself,  the sun was eclipsed by the moon on the Northern Hemisphere, marking the astronomical spring with an amazing celestial occurence.

My travels to the north means that I will be running out of time to finish my Wulfen in time for the Invitational deadline. But he will be travelling with me in crates of paint together with his two finished wolves, one black and one pale white (of course!) and my daylight lamp, so that the threesome can be uploaded when I return from the fells of the north in the second week of April.

Until then I am very honoured to be able to show you two other Space Wolves: First and foremost a recent gift from a very good friend. Ragnar Blackmane in all his ferocious glory. Painted in style by Jakob Rune Nielsen. Secondly my own version painted in the mid-1990es with handpainted banners and a slightly (only slightly) different colourscheme than Mcveys original Blackmane paintjob from the same period.

Jakobs version is amazing and I will try to achieve a similar scheme on the Wulfen: Dark grey, deep gold and red.


  1. While Jakob's beautiful paintjob gives a new lease of life to a slightly ridiculous (by today's standards) model, your own, vintage paintjob is also quite stunning -- you painted that in the mid 90s??? Colour me green with envy! That model is looking as good as the original 'Eavy Metal piece! Thanks for sharing -- and for making me feel bad about myself ;)

    1. Thanks Kraut!

      Yes, the old Ragnar model does look 'slightly' out of scale compared to the new Forge World stuff and Migsulas Vlka Fenryka for instance. But a great sculpt for its time :)

  2. My interpretation was actually based on a mix of Miklu's bold wolves and your 2 GD entries - plus a lot of shot cuts for speed! So interesting how inspiration bounces back and forth. That old model of yours is a true classic.

    1. That is the thing about inspiration :) I have attempted a JRN- and Mikluinspired Space Wolf paintjob on my Wulfen Lord. Not sure I succeeded though :)

  3. duality twins light and dark ..old new.. symbiotic nature of sculpt and paint... fantastic post and what a gift ! the painting of both look effortless.. timeless stuff...

  4. Indeed a wonderful gift! Thanks Neil :)
