Sunday, 17 March 2013

Remember the future!

Since my 2013 New Years Eve post on rooks and walking I have been away from most hobby stuff. I have had to concentrate mostly on family and my work at the Aarhus School of Architecture. 

But during the short life span of FPOA it has become an important place for me to share not only hobby stuff but also the stuff that inspires me as a hobbyist. I get immensely inspired by reading and recently fell upon a beautiful text on Mexican novellist Carlos Fuentes who, in his La gran novela latinoamericana / The Great Latin American Novel (2011), wrote something worth remembering - the future:

Remembering the future. Imagining the past. This is a way of saying that, now that the past is irreversible and the future uncertain, men and women remain alone with the scenery of today if they want to represent the past and the future. The human past is called Memory. The human future is called Desire. Both come together in the present, where we remember, where we yearn [...] We ought to imagine the past so the future, when it arrives, can also be remembered [...] (Fuentes, 2011)

The future of FPOA is uncertain, but I imagine that some of the past pieces already shown will be finished. 

Until then I would love to direct you to a couple of sites that have also been a great source of inspiration for me during the first months of 2013 (you guys probably know them already, but as the guys behind the sites are such great talents they can easily bear repeating):

Tears of Isstvan

Spiky Rat Pack

Take care!


  1. Thanks for the link, and the kind words, Stefan. I really hope FPOA continues in one form or another, however intermittently.

    Have you ever read any Bergson? Fuentes's take on the past is very Bergsonian.

  2. God is alive , magic is afoot :-)

  3. 2013 has been much the same for me. Work, work, work and family. Fun but borderline overloading... Legion of Plastic shall raise again though. Some exciting coverage ahead that should inspire me into the final part of =I= trilogy. And the legion army itself, I can work on for years and years to come.

  4. Hope things are going well.

    Looking forward to whatever this blog brings be it models or your photographs.

  5. Stefan, I'm painting! Get your lazy ass in check and join me :)

  6. Thanks guys!

    I am painting too Migs :) Thanks for the kick-in-the-ass!

  7. Thankyou for sharing your music for the yggdrasillium mate , really fantastic touch i am simply blown away by it all..
